Sunday, May 10, 2009

10 Reasons Why Laughing is Healthful

Laugh to something funny or strange without we realize it can stimulate ourself to become more healthy. Many people have already proved positive aspect that caused by laughing. Even Laughing method has been applied as a method of healing. Why laughing is healthful, following is the reasons:

1. Laughing is alleviate your worried feeling. Because somebody cannot laughing and feels scared at the same time. physically that's impossible. Laughing also can reducing source and size of our fear.

2. Laughing can minify feeling to be lonely. Because laughing make us want to socialize with others.

3. Laughing reducing aggression and conflict. People who laugh cannot do harshly to others.

4. Immune system will be stronger with a laugh. Level of stress hormone can reduced, heart and blood circulation can be more healty, and the muscles become more relax.

5. Laughing is healthy source of hearth exercise, especially to old age. Beside also can make special pattern breath that good for respiratory health.

6. Laughing works like a virus because can spread quickly. Disseminate it to all the world will reduce the anger and violence.

7. Our mental health will be better with laugh.Stress is reduced, so also feel angry and worried, but feeling happy and positive attitude increases.

8. Make us become more creative and able to solve the problem. Job satisfaction is increased. We can work harder but feel more comfortable. In short, the productivity increase.

9. All people can laugh. Man born with a talent to laugh. Sense of humor is not needed for laughing.

10. Laughing is a natural process that reduces the pain, both physically and emotionally. This is the natural medicine of the body itself. Enhance your laughing and you will find that you only need a little cure to enjoy life.

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