Monday, May 11, 2009

Tips to overcome stress and depression

In this article i will give you some tips to overcome your stress and depression, read below:


Massage aromatherapy not only reduce the mental pressure, but the used oil can help cure depression. Good Massager will ask first what you want to adjust the flavor to be used.


Side effect of depression is decreasing interest in sex, but the more intimate with the pair will bring more benefits. Psychologists have proved that make sex with routine is able to make up the body resistance. It also reduces stress, and a number of scientific studies show make akan reduce anxiety, increase relaxation and help speed up your sleep.

Spend your time with family or friends

Spend time with people you care about and love you. No need to talk about what happens to you, but just socialization and being around on those people will feel comfortable giving. Make joke and laugh with while relaxing with friends. Laughing scientifically proven to reduce symptoms of stress hormones and increase comfort in the body.

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