Friday, May 8, 2009

Coffee is Bad For You

Actually i addicted to coffee on the end 2006 when i worked as call center agent for Three GSM Operator. I used to work in shift and very frequently to work in the night. So i should drink coffee to cope with my drowsiness. But then i feel some oddity in my physic and mental. I'd rather have a lot of illness. For example : i am not flush if one day i don't drink coffee, it's like my brain or mind off. So here i will explain some of bad effect of coffee from my experience and from the others. There are some that extremely bad.

  • Coffee can make you addicted. Once you feel the good taste of coffee, and you drink it as a routine, then you will be coffee lover (coffee addict). If you don't believe maybe you can try 2 weeks without coffee then you will search coffee again.
  • Coffee can lead to osteoporosis. It means your bones can be rather brittle. Balance it with Milk or calcium suplement.
  • If you are skinny, don't drink it you will not fat if drink it. Because Coffee will reduce your appetite a bit.
  • This is extremely bad effect of coffee for pregnant woman. Drinks Coffee can lead to miscarriage. Your wife have to be stopped for this.
  • Some research coffee can make diabetic illness. Please don't too much on sugar.
  • Can make headache because of addicted symptoms to coffee.
  • Coffee can reduce fertility.
Hey now what? i am addicted to coffee till now, but i return to point 1, read again. Because i addicted to coffee very hard to stop totality drinks it. So i have to gradually stop drink it or limit myself in drink it.

Advice: Better if you never drink coffee, because it is bad for you

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