Sunday, May 17, 2009

10 Tips To Improve Sleep Quality

Hello My Friends, How are you today? maybe i can help for your sleep disorder. Here are for 10 tips to improve your sleep quality. Read and you can sleep soundly:

1. In general there are three basic environment to sleep soundly. First, make sure the room you made for sleeps dark possible. Can be made in pitch-dark, dark curtains or cover for the eyes to sleep. The second, the room should be quiet. The third, the room temperature should be cool or cold. Temperature should be around 27 degrees or below.

2. Poor sleep is often a symptom of worries, fear, obsession, feeling guilty, unfinished anger, depression and a lot of emotional and spiritual problems. Make sure that you clear up the issues or cure the wound that make you sink. Vital part of treatment of this problem must be submitted in all to God. God is the best way to heal and deal with what is behind the power.

3. Unsound sleep often is the result of low levels of serotonin. Serotonin can be obtained through eating food that trigger serotonin to be formed for example chicken turkey, dairy products, and bananas. The second, there are supplements such as 5HTP that can help. Other experience of a lack of serotonin associated with genetic aberration, where the required treatment. Do not eat protein at night so you can keep still awakened. Eat light carbohydrate on one or two hours before sleep, such as biscuit or cake muffin, in getting tryptophan to distributed to the brain through the food that you eat throughout the day.

4. After dinner, take activities such as walking or doing some sports, but remember to finish all of this at least 3 hours before bed. On the sports that are too close to the sleeping hours can be a bad incentive to sleep.

5. Before you're ready to take a rest (Sleeping), drink half a cup of herbal tea that contain herbs or kamomile.

6. Change what you consume. Do not drink (or eat) anything containing caffeine before the night arrived. Chocolate, tea, coffee, cola drinks and beverages containing caffeine should not be consumed in the afternoon.

7. Enough sunlight during the day is required to set the sleep cycle. If you have irregularities for example working in the night like bats you may need to add a light box light throughout the day.

8. If you struggle with sleep problems, do not go to bed to watch television. If you can not sleep, go to another room and try to read until you feel sleepy. Do not wake up and watch television because of the color and light will continue to stimulate the brain works.

9. If you are awakened in the middle of the night, do not turn on lights or find out how many hours at that time. Because both can stimulate the brain to work and out of the sleep condition. Lie in bed and wait until you fall back asleep.

10. Try to build a routine that works and stay inside. Go to bed at the same hour every night and also wake up at the same time.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Active Sexual Activity Will Trigger Prostate Cancer

Men who are sexually active when aged 20 to 30 years exposed to high-risk prostate cancer. Such as research results of the researchers at the University of Nottingham, UK. The researchers ask the 800 men, consisting of 400 men terdiagnosis cancer prostate, 400 other people who are free from disease. Questions who asked include in the following:

1. How often do they have sex since the puber?
2. How many sex partner that they have?
3. Are they detected/diagnosed venereal disease?

From both group, 59% said do sex 12 times in a month at age 20 years. 48% do sex 12 times in a month at age 30 years, 28% at age 40 years, and 13% at age 50 years.

Approximately two-fifths of prostate cancer group has 6 or more sex partner. Meanwhile, a group that does not have the disease having less sex partner

An expert said that the level of high male sex hormone responsible for frequently sexual activity will often trigger prostate cancer when old. Hormone plays its role in the case of prostat cancer.

They are very often in sexual activity when young appeared to have a higher likelihood of prostate cancer when exposed to their old age. Some researchers also say that high level in sex hormone will trigger more sexual activity and cancer itself.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Soda Beverages Trigger Muscle paralysis

Too much drink soda water lead to small seizures that culminate in muscle paralysis, the following warning on physician reports the International Journal Clinical Practice. Soft Drinks can cause potassium blood coming down dramatically.

This report is based on the case of ostrich breeder in Australia who need emergency treatment because of disability in the lungs after the four to ten liters of soda water per day. Although has been healthy, he suggested to limit the drink is consumed.

Example other cases occurred in pregnant women who usually consume up to three liters soda drinks per day for six years. He complained too tired easily, loss of appetite, and frequent vomiting. From the examination, she has abnormal heartbeat , allegedly due to the low level of blood potassium.
After reducing the consumption of soda beverages, he was healthy again.

Manufacturers insist that the product is not safe if consumed too frequently. But Dr. Clifford Packer's Health Center Louis Stokes Cleveland VA in Ohio, Canada, believes that the case is potentially occurred.

He said with a marketing incentive, the size of the super large packaging, along with tolerance effect and dependence caffeine, simply believed that millions of people in the industrial countries drinks at least two until three liters of soda water per day. In addition with the decrease in level of serum potassium of soda water fans.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Tips to overcome stress and depression

In this article i will give you some tips to overcome your stress and depression, read below:


Massage aromatherapy not only reduce the mental pressure, but the used oil can help cure depression. Good Massager will ask first what you want to adjust the flavor to be used.


Side effect of depression is decreasing interest in sex, but the more intimate with the pair will bring more benefits. Psychologists have proved that make sex with routine is able to make up the body resistance. It also reduces stress, and a number of scientific studies show make akan reduce anxiety, increase relaxation and help speed up your sleep.

Spend your time with family or friends

Spend time with people you care about and love you. No need to talk about what happens to you, but just socialization and being around on those people will feel comfortable giving. Make joke and laugh with while relaxing with friends. Laughing scientifically proven to reduce symptoms of stress hormones and increase comfort in the body.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

10 Reasons Why Laughing is Healthful

Laugh to something funny or strange without we realize it can stimulate ourself to become more healthy. Many people have already proved positive aspect that caused by laughing. Even Laughing method has been applied as a method of healing. Why laughing is healthful, following is the reasons:

1. Laughing is alleviate your worried feeling. Because somebody cannot laughing and feels scared at the same time. physically that's impossible. Laughing also can reducing source and size of our fear.

2. Laughing can minify feeling to be lonely. Because laughing make us want to socialize with others.

3. Laughing reducing aggression and conflict. People who laugh cannot do harshly to others.

4. Immune system will be stronger with a laugh. Level of stress hormone can reduced, heart and blood circulation can be more healty, and the muscles become more relax.

5. Laughing is healthy source of hearth exercise, especially to old age. Beside also can make special pattern breath that good for respiratory health.

6. Laughing works like a virus because can spread quickly. Disseminate it to all the world will reduce the anger and violence.

7. Our mental health will be better with laugh.Stress is reduced, so also feel angry and worried, but feeling happy and positive attitude increases.

8. Make us become more creative and able to solve the problem. Job satisfaction is increased. We can work harder but feel more comfortable. In short, the productivity increase.

9. All people can laugh. Man born with a talent to laugh. Sense of humor is not needed for laughing.

10. Laughing is a natural process that reduces the pain, both physically and emotionally. This is the natural medicine of the body itself. Enhance your laughing and you will find that you only need a little cure to enjoy life.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Coffee is Bad For You

Actually i addicted to coffee on the end 2006 when i worked as call center agent for Three GSM Operator. I used to work in shift and very frequently to work in the night. So i should drink coffee to cope with my drowsiness. But then i feel some oddity in my physic and mental. I'd rather have a lot of illness. For example : i am not flush if one day i don't drink coffee, it's like my brain or mind off. So here i will explain some of bad effect of coffee from my experience and from the others. There are some that extremely bad.

  • Coffee can make you addicted. Once you feel the good taste of coffee, and you drink it as a routine, then you will be coffee lover (coffee addict). If you don't believe maybe you can try 2 weeks without coffee then you will search coffee again.
  • Coffee can lead to osteoporosis. It means your bones can be rather brittle. Balance it with Milk or calcium suplement.
  • If you are skinny, don't drink it you will not fat if drink it. Because Coffee will reduce your appetite a bit.
  • This is extremely bad effect of coffee for pregnant woman. Drinks Coffee can lead to miscarriage. Your wife have to be stopped for this.
  • Some research coffee can make diabetic illness. Please don't too much on sugar.
  • Can make headache because of addicted symptoms to coffee.
  • Coffee can reduce fertility.
Hey now what? i am addicted to coffee till now, but i return to point 1, read again. Because i addicted to coffee very hard to stop totality drinks it. So i have to gradually stop drink it or limit myself in drink it.

Advice: Better if you never drink coffee, because it is bad for you

Thursday, May 7, 2009

How To Prevent Kidney Stones

There a three way in this article that can prevent you to kidney stones illness. Part of the treatment of kidney stones involves preventing them from happening again in the future. This is how to prevent Kidney Stones:

1. Drinking A Large Amount Of Water

Drinking large volumes of water each day will dilute the mineral or stone-forming salts in the urine. Many experts advise people who are prone to kidney stones to drink 12 eight-ounce glasses of water a day. Stones cannot form in urine that is diluted.

2. Changes In Diet

Because calcium stones are the most common type of kidney stone An accumulation of mineral salts and other substances that form a solid mass of various sizes within the kidney, some experts recommend a low-calcium and low-oxalate diet.
  • Foods high in calcium include dairy products.
  • Foods rich in oxalate include colas, chocolate, peanuts, leafy vegetables, and tea.
Restricting these foods in the diet should lower the concentration of calcium and oxalate in the urine.

In many cases of uric acid stones, a diet low in animal proteins is recommended. Foods that are high in purines, which contribute to uric acid stones, include poultry and red wine.

3. Medication

Even with careful regulation of water intake and diet, stones still may form. But there are some medications that can help prevent this.

These medications can reduce the level of stone-forming chemicals such as uric acid, calcium, oxalate, or cystine in the blood. They also can inhibit an enzyme In the body, any protein that speeds up the rate of a chemical reaction. required by the bacteria that cause struvite stones to form. Other medications can be used for relief of pain from kidney stones.

The following table provides an overview of selected medications and their uses in reducing the formation of kidney stones or their pain symptoms.

Drugs Used To Control The Formation Of Kidney Stones And Reduce Kidney Pain:

Calcium reduction (for calcium stones)

Sodium cellulose phosphate
Calcium reduction (for calcium stones)

Oral calcium supplement
Reduces oxalate in the body (for calcium oxalate or calcium oxalate and phosphate stones)

Uric acid reduction (for uric acid stones)

Polycitra K (potassium citrate)
Uric acid reduction (for uric acid stones)

Cystine reduction (for cystine stones)

Struvite reduction (for struvite stones)

Acetohy-droxamic acid (AHA)
Struvite reduction (for struvite stones)

Relief of kidney pain

(Source from

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Soft Drink Can Cause Serious Illness


The picture gets worse when you add sugar to the soft drink. The sugar, dissolved in liquid, is quickly carried to the bloodstream, where its presence in overload quantities signals the pancreas to go into overdrive. The pancreas has no way of knowing if this sugar inrush is a single dose or the front-end of a sustained dose. The assumption in the body's chemical controls is the worst-case scenario. To prevent nerve damage from oxidation, the pancreas pumps out as much insulin as it can. Even so, it may not prevent nerve damage.

But, this heroic effort of the pancreas has a hefty downside. The jolt of insulin causes the body to reduce the testosterone in the bloodstream, and to depress further production of it. In both men and women, testosterone is the hormone that controls the depositing of calcium in the bones. You can raise testosterone through weight-bearing exercise, but if you are chemically depressing it via massive sugar intake (it takes very small quantities of sugar to constitute a massive intake, because refined sugar is not something the human body is equipped to handle), then your body won't add calcium to the bones.

Add this to what we discussed above, and you can see that drinking sweetened colas is a suicidal endeavor. And now you know why bone damage formerly apparent only in the very old is now showing up in teenagers.


In the spring of 2005, research showed a strong correlation between esophageal cancer and the drinking of carbonated beverages. We aren't providing extensive detail here yet, because the subject is still rolling through the medical community. Basically, it works like this:
  1. You drink soda.
  2. It makes you burp (acid reflux, actually).
  3. The burping carries acid into the esophagus, causing lesions.
  4. The lesions become cancerous.

So, maybe it's not so bad if you sip sodas instead of guzzle them. By the time this issue settles out through double blind studies (rather than statistical analysis only), that is probably what researchers will conclude. It's common sense.

Of course, the softdrink companies have conducted their own flawed studies using flawed methods to obtain the flawed results they want. This way, they can deny that their toxic products also cause esophageal cancer in addition to other diseases their beverages cause. I wonder if these folks have flawed sleep at night, or if they are just psychopathic?

Do a Yahoo or Google search on softdrinks + esophageal cancer, and you'll get several thousand pages of results. Most of the articles say softdrinks "may" cause esophageal cancer. And that's true--in the sense that lying down on a railroad track "may" get you run over by a train or holding a revolver with one bullet in it and pulling the trigger "may" blow your brains out. It's a game of chance. How many chances do you want to take?


You can search online for data on the number of esophageal cancer cases per year and the startling increase in this cancer occurring with the huge ramp-up in soft drink consumption. This disease was unheard of two generations ago--now, it's common. You can also search for the source reports and articles. But, that's not really necessary because basic science is at work here:
  • Mechanical damage to cells is a huge risk factor for cancer. It's why asbestos particles, for example, cause lung cancer.
  • Soft drinks cause acid reflux (stomach acid rising up past the esophageal valve). This is more pronounced when the body is horizontal (as in sleeping), but the sheer volume of soft drinks consumed in the USA means the acid reflux is well past the danger point. Any time you ingest a gassy drink, you are going to get belching--and acid into the esophagus. How much is too much? The research doesn't say where the limit is--it only shows that most Americans are far, far, far past it.
  • Stomach acid dissolves tissue--that's its purpose. The stomach lining does not extend into the esophagus, so the lower esophagus gets damaged by acid far more frequently in soft drink users than in non soft drink users. This results in a radical increase in cell mutations, along with a far higher level of free radicals.
This isn't an attack on the Coca-Cola or Pepsi corporations. It's a revealing of the truth about all carbonated beverages. This has been widely reported in many authoritative sources.

Remember, soft drinks kill.

(Source from

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Soft Drink is Unsafe Beverages

The Shock are All People in the world don't know that Soft Drinks is bad for your health, and even extremely bad, causing Osteoporosis and other illness for more research. Read on.

This poison goes by many brand names, such as Coca Cola and Pepsi. Generically, this poison is on the market in formulations known as soda, colas or soft drinks.

It's tragic that the "beverage" industry shoves this toxic brew at human beings. Let's take a closer look at what it does:

The carbonation in all soft drinks causes calcium loss in the bones through a three-stage process:
  1. The carbonation irritates the stomach.
  2. The stomach "cures" the irritation the only way it knows how. It adds the only antacid at its disposal: calcium. It gets this from the blood.
  3. The blood, now low on calcium, replenishes its supply from the bones. If it did not do this, muscular and brain function would be severely impaired.
But, the story doesn't end there. Another problem with most soft drinks is they also contain phosphoric acid (not the same as the carbonation, which is carbon dioxide mixed with the water). This substance also causes a drawdown on the store of calcium.

So, soft drinks soften your bones (actually, they make them weak and brittle) in three ways:
  1. Carbonation reduces the calcium in the bones.
  2. Phosphoric acid reduces the calcium in the bones.
  3. The beverage replaces a calcium-containing alternative, such as milk or water. Milk and water are not excellent calcium sources, but they are sources.
(Source from

Monday, May 4, 2009

Why Smoking is Bad For You

There are high relationship between smoking and cancer. Smoking is the biggest avoidable risk factor for cancer. It causes nine out of ten cases of lung cancer. Smoking is also a risk factor for cancer of the bladder, kidney, cervix, throat (pharynx and larynx), mouth, oesophagus (foodpipe), pancreas and stomach and for some types of leukaemia (cancer of the blood).

How does smoking cause cancer?

Cigarette smoke is packed full of roughly 4000 compounds, many of which are toxic and can cause damage to our cells. Some are carcinogenic (cancer-causing). The three main ingredients of cigarette smoke are:
  • Nicotine
  • Carbon monoxide
  • Tar
Nicotine is not carcinogenic. It doesn't cause cancer. But it is a highly addictive and very fast-acting drug. Once inhaled, nicotine reaches the brain in less than 15 seconds. Most smokers are addicted to nicotine and crave cigarettes to feed their addiction. This is the key ingredient that keeps people buying cigarettes and keeps the tobacco companies in business.

Carbon monoxide is a tasteless, odourless poisonous gas. It is taken up by the bloodstream quickly and impairs the smoker's breathing. The gas is also emitted by car exhausts, faulty boilers and fires and is very dangerous in badly ventilated spaces. Inhaling too much carbon monoxide causes coma and death by asphyxiation.

Tar is a substance made up of various chemicals, many of which are known to cause cancer. Around 70 per cent of the tar in cigarettes is deposited in the smoker's lungs.

Other harmful chemicals in cigarette smoke include

  • ACETONE, more commonly used in nail polish remover
  • AMMONIA, used in the dry cleaning industry
  • ARSENIC, a deadly poison used in pest control and insecticides
  • BENZENE, a cancer-causing agent used in the production of fuel and chemicals
  • CADMIUM, a very poisonous chemical that can cause liver, kidney and brain damage, used in batteries
  • FORMALDEHYDE, a known carcinogen used to preserve dead bodies
Passive smoking

Smoking doesn't just harm the smoker. It can also cause disease and death among people exposed to the smoke. Passive smoking is thought to cause several hundred deaths from lung cancer every year in the UK. Passive smoking is particularly harmful to babies and children whose parents smoke in the home. Passive smoking may also cause miscarriage, premature birth, low birth weight, stillbirth, cot death, 'glue' ear, asthma and other respiratory problems.

What are the risks?

Tobacco smoking has no safe level of use. It is the only consumer product that kills a high proportion of those who use it in the way intended by the manufacturers. Overall, one in two smokers (smoking 20 per day from age 18) will die from their habit, half of them in middle age.

The risk of getting lung cancer from smoking :
  • is directly related to the number of cigarettes smoked. The higher the consumption, the higher the risk.
  • is highly dependent on how long a person has smoked. So smoking 1 packet a day for 40 years is much more hazardous than smoking 2 packets a day for 20 years.
  • is drastically reduced by quitting. Smokers who stop before the age of 35 have a life expectancy not significantly different from non-smokers. Even stopping in middle age has great benefits.
  • is halved by staying off cigarettes for ten years. The longer you don't smoke, the more you lower your risk.
My Summary
It is never too late to quit smoking, although the sooner you quit the greater the long-term benefits for your health. There are also instant benefits to be had from giving up smoking, like improvements in your breathing. Also, your sense of smell and taste will improve and skin problems may clear up.

The physical craving for a cigarette can disappear as soon as one week after giving up. But the psychological cravings may last for much longer.

(Source from

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Be Careful With Sugar

Please be careful on sugar, excess sugar can result in ruining your health. Read the following is a listing of some of sugar's metabolic consequences from a variety of medical journals and other scientific publications.

1. Sugar can suppress the immune system.

2. Sugar can upset the body's mineral balance.

3. Sugar can cause hyperactivity, anxiety, concentration
difficulties, and crankiness in children.

4. Sugar can cause drowsiness and decreased activity in children.

5. Sugar can adversely affect children's school grades.

6. Sugar can produce a significant rise in triglycerides.

7. Sugar contributes to a weakened defense against bacterial

8. Sugar can cause kidney damage.

9. Sugar can reduce helpful high density cholesterol (HDLs).

10. Sugar can promote an elevation of harmful cholesterol (LDLs).

11. Sugar may lead to chromium deficiency.

12. Sugar can cause copper deficiency.

13. Sugar interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium.

14. Sugar may lead to cancer of the breast, ovaries, prostate, and

15. Sugar can cause colon cancer, with an increased risk in women.

16. Sugar can be a risk factor in gall bladder cancer.

17. Sugar can increase fasting levels of blood glucose.

18. Sugar can weaken eyesight.

19. Sugar raises the level of a neurotransmitter called serotonin,
which can narrow blood vessels.

20. Sugar can cause hypoglycemia.

21. Sugar can produce an acidic stomach.

22. Sugar can raise adrenaline levels in children.

23. Sugar can increase the risk of coronary heart disease.

24. Sugar can speed the aging process, causing wrinkles and grey

25. Sugar can lead to alcoholism.

26. Sugar can promote tooth decay.

27. Sugar can contribute to weight gain and obesity.

28. High intake of sugar increases the risk of Crohn's disease and
ulcerative colitis.

29. Sugar can cause a raw, inflamed intestinal tract in persons with
gastric or duodenal ulcers.

30. Sugar can cause arthritis

31. Sugar can cause asthma.

32. Sugar can cause candidiasis (yeast infection).

33. Sugar can lead to the formation of gallstones.

34. Sugar can lead to the formation of kidney stones.

35. Sugar can cause ischemic heart disease.

36. Sugar can cause appendicitis.

37. Sugar can exacerbate the symptoms of multiple sclerosis.

38. Sugar can indirectly cause hemorrhoids.

39. Sugar can cause varicose veins.

40. Sugar can elevate glucose and insulin responses in oral
contraception users.

41. Sugar can lead to periodontal disease.

42. Sugar can contribute to osteoporosis.

43. Sugar contributes to saliva acidity.

44. Sugar can cause a decrease in insulin sensitivity.

45. Sugar leads to decreased glucose tolerance.

46. Sugar can decrease growth hormone.

47. Sugar can increase total cholesterol.

48. Sugar can increase systolic blood pressure.

49. Sugar can change the structure of protein causing interference
with protein absorption.

50. Sugar causes food allergies.

51. Sugar can contribute to diabetes.

52. Sugar can cause toxemia during pregnancy.

53. Sugar can contribute to eczema in children.

54. Sugar can cause cardiovascular disease.

55. Sugar can impair the structure of DNA.

56. Sugar can cause cataracts.

57. Sugar can cause emphysema.

58. Sugar can cause atherosclerosis.

59. Sugar can cause free radical formation in the bloodstream.

60. Sugar lowers the enzymes' ability to function.

61. Sugar can cause loss of tissue elasticity and function.

62. Sugar can cause liver cells to divide, increasing the size of
the liver.

63. Sugar can increase the amount of fat in the liver.

64. Sugar can increase kidney size and produce pathological changes
in the kidney.

65. Sugar can overstress the pancreas, causing damage.

66. Sugar can increase the body's fluid retention.

67. Sugar can cause constipation.

68. Sugar can cause myopia (nearsightedness) .

69. Sugar can compromise the lining of the capillaries.

70. Sugar can cause hypertension.

71. Sugar can cause headaches, including migraines.

72. Sugar can cause an increase in delat, alpha and theta brain
waves, which can alter the mind's ability to think clearly.

73. Sugar can cause depression.

74. Sugar can increase insulin responses in those consuming high-
sugar diets compared to low sugar diets.

75. Sugar increases bacterial fermentation in the colon.

76. Sugar can cause hormonal imbalance.

77. Sugar can increase blood platelet adhesiveness which increases
risk of blood clots.

78. Sugar increases the risk of Alzheimer Disease.

(Source from 108 ways Sugar Can Ruin Your Health)

Friday, May 1, 2009

About Health

What is Health?

This definition used by the World Health Organization (WHO) is "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity".

But in 1986, the WHO, in the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion, said health is "a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living. Health is a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities".

Overall health is achieved through a combination of physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being.

Aspect Of Health

1. Physical health

Physical fitness refers to good body health, and is the result of regular exercise, proper diet and nutrition, and proper rest for physical recovery.

A strong indicator of the health of localized population is their height or weight, which generally increases with improved nutrition and health care. This is also influenced by the standard of living and quality of life. Genetics also plays a major role in people's height. The study of human growth, its regulators, and implications is known as Auxology.

2. Mental health
Mental health describes either a level of cognitive or emotional well-being or an absence of a mental disorder.

The World Health Organization defines mental health as "a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community”.

However, despite official definitions, the term mental health, and the question of whether or not an individual is 'mentally well', remains a subjective assessment.

(Source from Wikipedia)