Friday, May 1, 2009

About Health

What is Health?

This definition used by the World Health Organization (WHO) is "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity".

But in 1986, the WHO, in the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion, said health is "a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living. Health is a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities".

Overall health is achieved through a combination of physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being.

Aspect Of Health

1. Physical health

Physical fitness refers to good body health, and is the result of regular exercise, proper diet and nutrition, and proper rest for physical recovery.

A strong indicator of the health of localized population is their height or weight, which generally increases with improved nutrition and health care. This is also influenced by the standard of living and quality of life. Genetics also plays a major role in people's height. The study of human growth, its regulators, and implications is known as Auxology.

2. Mental health
Mental health describes either a level of cognitive or emotional well-being or an absence of a mental disorder.

The World Health Organization defines mental health as "a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community”.

However, despite official definitions, the term mental health, and the question of whether or not an individual is 'mentally well', remains a subjective assessment.

(Source from Wikipedia)

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